After our trip to the Bahamas in April it was painfully obvious that I need to have 12″ N numbers on the Mooney. As you may remember, Greg and I had an arts-n-crafts session at the Bimini airport. We had to cut duct tape and make it into temporary N numbers for our flight home. While it worked, we did get some strange looks when we pulled into Customs at Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport.

This time, rather than just slap some stickers on the side of the plane, I enlisted the help of Craig from Scheme Designers to ensure that the new numbers will blend in with the existing paint scheme. Craig took one look at the above picture, and after he stopped laughing , he sent me several design ideas.

Now the next trip to the Bahamas will be that much easier and I won't get snarky comments from the other pilots at Customs. Oh, and I plan to add a Just Plane Radio logo to the tail where the old 3″ numbers were. Now it really is the Just Plane Radio Mooney.