The world's first and only nationally syndicated radio show devoted to aviation lifestyle and learning to fly! Just Plane Radio airs live every Saturday from 11am-noon EST on radio stations throughout the US and worldwide on the web streamed live and through archived podcasts. Each week the JPR crew navigate the latest aviation news and information often combined with an irreverent twist. Listeners (referred to as the passengers on the show) can participate live at 1-888-884-2FLY, through emails, or by clicking on the “Get on the air” tab 24/7 right here at
Back in July I flew to the 1st annual Aviation Content Creators Awards in Wichita, KS where I had an opportunity to meet up with many of the prominent Aviation YouTube personalities.
I also met up with Bryan Turner from Just Plane Silly and he was hatching an idea for a new video and asked if he could shoot some footage of the Mooney.
Here is the result of that photo shoot. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
What a difference some elbow grease and vinyl decals can make. For Fathers Day my family hired a paint detail shop to give the Mooney a well deserved cleaning. What a difference! For a 38 year old factory paint job I thought it looked pretty good, maybe a few scratches and pits, but what do you expect when you fly fast. Turns most of the scratches are gone now and the old oxidized paint looks just like new. In the photo below you can see the difference: The top of the door is the before state of the paint, note the faint key scratches and dullness. Just above the window shows what the paint looks like after buffing. note how much whiter it is, and no sign of scratches.
Now that the paint is all shiny, it is time to add the 12″ N numbers so we don't have to use duct tape for our next Bahamas adventure. I have to thank Craig Barnett at Scheme Designers for his advice. He designed the new N numbers specifically to break up the existing fuselage stripes and came up with a clever way to hide the old N Numbers on the tail. If you notice there is now a light blue stripe on the tail and it features a Just Plane Radio Logo.
Don't try this at home! Getting the vinyl installed right is best done by the pro's. A Wrap City Graphics technician came out to the hangar and was able to make the rivets and body lines look flawless. Now it really is the “Just Plane Radio Mooney”So Shiny
After our trip to the Bahamas in April it was painfully obvious that I need to have 12″ N numbers on the Mooney. As you may remember, Greg and I had an arts-n-crafts session at the Bimini airport. We had to cut duct tape and make it into temporary N numbers for our flight home. While it worked, we did get some strange looks when we pulled into Customs at Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport.
Duct Tape may look tacky, but it is $800K less than buying a new Cirrus
This time, rather than just slap some stickers on the side of the plane, I enlisted the help of Craig from Scheme Designers to ensure that the new numbers will blend in with the existing paint scheme. Craig took one look at the above picture, and after he stopped laughing , he sent me several design ideas.
Some things are better left to the experts
Now the next trip to the Bahamas will be that much easier and I won't get snarky comments from the other pilots at Customs. Oh, and I plan to add a Just Plane Radio logo to the tail where the old 3″ numbers were. Now it really is the Just Plane Radio Mooney.
The FAA will transition to mandatory use of the international flight plan format for all IFR and VFR domestic and international civil flights on August 27, 2019. The change is part of an effort to modernize and streamline flight planning and supports the FAA’s NextGen initiatives. Several improvements to the international form make it easier and more intuitive for pilots to use and will increase safety, including an increase in the size of the departure and destination fields to allow a greater variety of entry types, including Special Flight Rules Area (SFRA) flight plans.
Many resources and videos are available to help you setup your preferred flight planning tools. See the links below:
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