Just click here for direct link to the AOPA page referenced on the 9-14-19 show 🙂
Captain Jim and Smokey’s award winning RV7
You've heard us talk about its creation and the award winning results on Just Plane Radio. Now see for yourself what they have been able to achieve!
ICAO flight plans will be mandatory for both VFR and IFR flight plans starting August 27th.
The FAA will transition to mandatory use of the international flight plan format for all IFR and VFR domestic and international civil flights on August 27, 2019. The change is part of an effort to modernize and streamline flight planning and supports the FAA’s NextGen initiatives. Several improvements to the international form make it easier and more intuitive for pilots to use and will increase safety, including an increase in the size of the departure and destination fields to allow a greater variety of entry types, including Special Flight Rules Area (SFRA) flight plans.
Many resources and videos are available to help you setup your preferred flight planning tools. See the links below:
Help with an ICAO Flight Plan (FAA document)
The ICAO Flight Plan (AOPA video)
Setting up ICAO Flight Plans – ForeFlight app (video)
Setting up ICAO Flight Plans – Garmin Pilot app (video)
Setting up ICAO Flight Plans – Leidos (video)
Setting up ICAO Flight Plans –
ForeFlight, Garmn Pillot and FltPlan.com (iPad News)
Setting up ICAO Data at FltPlan.com (video)
Highlights from Sun-n-Fun 2019 and the following flight to Bimini to dive with Hammerhead Sharks!
Tina is kicking Greg under the table Kelly from Cessna breaks the news to Greg on how much a Grand Caravan will cost Random Listeners, oh and Greg too. The JPR crew pays a visit to the AOPA Tent Captain Austin explaining how airplanes fly Captain Ed seems at home in the new Piper Trainer Room for both Ed and Keith, Piper is on to something with the new trainers Greg testing how the left seat fits Next stop… Bimini! So peaceful flying out over the open ocean Welcome to Bimini Land Ho! 2″ tape and scissors are all you need to get back in the US! 😉
It's all about the journey with Just Plane Radio, however, you'll see the destination of Neal Watson's Bimini Scuba Center created quite an adventure for Captain Dennis and Greg Your-CoPilot.
The Mooney Avionics Upgrade of Captain Dennis
Back in June of 2017 I bought N1163Z , a 1982 Mooney 201, fulfilling a life long dream of owning my own airplane.
The panel was equipped for IFR with state of the art avionics from 1982! Autopilot, dual King KX-170b Nav/Com radios, ADF, DME, and Mode-C transponder. Along the way a previous owner added a GPS to round out the panel.
I knew eventually I would need to make upgrades and decided to take it one step at a time. First priority is the 2020 ADSB-Out mandate. Since I live within the Mode-C veil of the MSP Class Bravo I had no choice. After trips to Sun-N-Fun and Oshkosh, reading reviews in magazines an online I determined that the best choice for me was the Stratus ESGi transponder from Appareo. Since the Stratus was a 1090es transponder I would be able to fly internationally, something that you can't do with a UAT solution. On February 1st we delivered the airplane to Modern Avionics at Flying Cloud Airport. At the time it seemed innocent enough, I am going to replace just one radio. Silly me…….
Since I don't have a WAAS GPS, the Stratus ESGi includes it's own GPS receiver and antenna. This required installing GPS antenna on the fuselage and the cables had to be run through the interior of the plane to connect to the instrument panel.
At this point you start to realize that since you are already this deep I might as well just go for it and replace the radios at the same time. After all, you don't want to pay the avionics shop twice to open the panel. I started by removing the ADF and old King KLN89b GPS, then I looked at my options. Do I install a used GPS/NAV/COM or buy new? The choices came down to a used Garmin 430, new Garmin 650 or Avidyne IFD. All 3 provide IFR WAAS GPS, Comm and NAV functions in a single panel mounted receiver.
I discounted the idea of installing a used Garmin 430. The 430's were new in 1998 and while they are highly regarded they are also very old. Next up I looked at the Garmin 650. The 650 is a departure from the knobs and buttons we are all familiar with and features a touchscreen interface for everything. I don't know about you but tapping, pinching, and zooming is a challenge on an iPad in a moving car. Imagine the challenge on a smaller screen in flight with any turbulence.
The Avidyne IFD 550 and 440 navigators turned out to be the perfect fit for my needs. Avidyne chose to include touch screen capabilities, but also retained the knob and buttons giving the pilot multiple options to enter or select information on the screen. Avidyne also includes bluetooth and wifi to interface with 3rd party and their own applications on your iPad. This allows you to easily populate your flight plans from Foreflight, etc. directly to the aircraft panel.
In another case of “while we are in there ™” it only made sense to replace the old King audio panel to a new Avidyne AMX-240. This included a new Stereo intercom and the ability for both pilot and copilot to talk simultaneously on separate radios. Now the copilot can call the FBO with our fuel request while I am working with tower for a landing clearance. In addition the audio panel includes Bluetooth to connect to our phones for hands free calling and inflight entertainment. No more having to shut down to call flight service for an IFR release, hit the Bluetooth button and call them right from the plane.
This also seemed the best time to address another shortcoming of the 1982 instrument panel. Engine Monitoring. Currently the factory gauges only monitor the temperature of 1 cylinder. I have a 4 cylinder engine, are the others running too hot or too cold? In an effort to keep costs down I was able to purchase a used Insight 602 Graphical Engine Monitor. With a single gauge I can now monitor the temperatures of all 4 cylinders. Later I can upgrade to an newer Insight monitor and not have to replace the cables. In fact I have already upgraded to an Insight G1 thanks to the folks at Wentworth Aircraft.
At this point we have nearly everything out of the aircraft and it became very obvious that the carpet has seen better days. What was once blue has faded and in spots looks more grey. So again, “While we are in there” I called SCS Interiors in Duluth, MN. Mike and Carissa were extremely helpful and provided full size paper patterns to ensure the new carpets would fit properly. Now the interior will look as nice as the panel.
Light at the end of the tunnel….
March 9, 2018 – After nearly 6 weeks all the “While your in there” tasks are completed and we were finally able to power the panel up for the first time. The team at Modern Avionics is going through the the configuration and checkout process to ensure all the new an existing equipment functions perfectly.
What a beautiful sight!!
March 13, 2018 –
To validate the performance of the new ADSB-Out transponder, and to qualify for the FAA rebate I had to fly for 30 minutes inside “Rule” airspace. This meant I had to fly within a 30 mile radius of the MSP Class Bravo airspace. Just to make sure, I made a loop around the Minneapolis metro and was even cleared to overfly the MSP airport. It is pretty cool to watch airliners flying under you
This was also the first flight of the new Avidyne IFD 550 and 440 NavComms. The first thing I noticed was how clear the radio reception was. The enhanced situational awareness provided by the Avidyne made it so easy to navigate the MSP airspace.
Last but not the least, the carpets have been replaced. The folks at SCS-Interiors manufactured custom replacement carpets that fit perfectly in place of the 35 year old Mooney flooring. The old carpets were a dark blue, but 35 years of use and sunlight made them more of a dirty gray. I chose to go with their featherweight carpet and added ensolite foam for comfort and noise reduction.